Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Envision Valley Stream

We have a lot to talk about this month. We hope to see you at our next meeting on Wednesday, June 29th at 7:30pm in the Field House at Firemen's Field (intersection of Albermarle Avenue and E. Fenimore Street).

We will be having a guest speaker from that Nassau County Planning Commission who will speak about the 2010 Draft Nassau County Master Plan. Our speaker will specifically address how Valley Stream fits into the plan and what recommendations are being made for our community. You can view a copy of the 2010 Draft Master Plan at this link. This is a rare opportunity to get to ask questions of someone from the Planning Commission.

Last but not least, please contact Envision Valley Stream if you are interested in purchasing a produce or meat share from Smyler's Farm. EVS is organizing a Valley Stream Community Supported Agriculture in which shareholders would receive organic and local produce and or meat once a week for the duration of the subscribed season. Time is running out so please contact us as soon as possible if you are interested in purchasing a half share or full share. You can take a look at your options, prices, and find example shares on their website: We need 25 shares in order to make this work. Thank you in advance.


David Sabatino
Envision Valley Stream
Phone: 516-792-1246
Web Site:
Facebook Page: Envision Valley Stream

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